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Publics Right to Know- Your Right to Know!

D o you know What's Really in the Personal Care and Beauty Cosmetics and Food You Use and Consume Daily? You, the Public, Deserve the Right to Know What Chemicals are in the Products You  Put in and on your bodies and Use in your Environments Everyday!

Most of the information contained on this website are third party, scientific, peer reviewed studies and articles, news clips, third party validations, listed by years and months, on information about chemicals in everyday used personal care, and beauty cosmetics. We are not responsible for its content and have given resource identification to all information where possible.

Would you Like to Prevent Cancer in Your Home ?

Read about the harmful ingredients in the products you use daily

     FDA-Depth of Toxic Chemicals in Our Daily Used Products

From the book " The Safe Shoppers Bible", published in 1995, by Dr. Samuel Epstein, MD, and Dr. David Steinman, MD.

"Not a single cosmetic company warns consumers of the presence of carcinogens in its products - despite the fact that several common cosmetic ingredients or their contaminants are carcinogenic themselves or are carcinogenic precursors."

"Consumers have an inalienable right to know what ingredients are in products they use daily, and to be certain that chemicals posing chronic health risks will be phased out when alternatives are available. These are rights regardless of one's perception of the risk of the ingredient. Yet walk down the aisle of any supermarket and you will quickly see how minimal regulation has led to grossly inadequate labeling."

More From the book Safe Shoppers Bible, by Dr. Samuel S. Epstein, Md., and David Steinman, 1995

    Resources for third party validation on Information about Chemicals in Everyday used products

 2008-August 29-Sept 1-Sheraton Universal Hotel-36th Cancer Control Society convention, Universal City, CA. 9am to 9pm.

2008- August- How toxic is your bathroom?London Independent, Pat Thomas

2008-July-Sign the Petition for Safe Cosmetics Bill

2008-June-Sunscreen Information, Dr. Mercola and Resources

2008- May-Visit  Stacy Malkan's  website- Co director of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics  and see where she will be speaking about her newest book, "Not  Just a Pretty Face, the Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry"- She just spoke in Beverly Hills, CA.

2008-April- Thank you to Oprah Winfrey, Julia Roberts and  Sophie Uliano for Airing a show about Chemicals in daily used products, and validating what Neways has been saying for over 10 years!  Read Transcript here:

2008-The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It

2008-Safe Cosmetics.org Tells Avon to get the  Harmful Chemicals out of their Products,

2008-Pink Washing- the Cancer Deception by Mike Adams, Natural News,

2008-Mobile phones 'more dangerous than smoking'-By Geoffrey Lean -www.independent.co.uk/life-style

2008-Dangerous Heated Plastics Cause Cancer-John Hopkins

2008-U.S. Government Concedes That Mercury Causes Autism

2008- The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It

2008-Carcinogenic 1,4-Dioxane Found in Leading "Organic" Brand Personal Care Products-

 2008-What's In your Skin Care Products-Dr. Mercola,

2008-Toxic Chemicals Widespread in Consumer Products- Tony Iallonardo

2008-Many common household products contain compounds that could be affecting our health. By Anne Underwood

2008-U.S. Senate backs product safety overhaul

2008-Think Soy is Healthy? Here’s Why it’s Not as Good as You Think Dr. Mercola

2008-Forum To Focus On Chemicals In The Environment

2008-EWG To California: Control Toxic Fumes from Household Products

2008-Study Shows Infants Exposed to Reproductive Toxins from Shampoo, Lotion, and Powder

2008-Regulations on Estrogen, Progesterone, FDA threatens your rights to have health care choices

2008-Toxic Chemicals Widespread in Consumer Products- Tony Lallonardo

2008-Hormone drugs had lasting breast cancer risk-Thomas H. Maugh 2008-Hormone Use Linked to Cancer Risk-Lindsey Tanner

2008-Many common household products contain compounds that could be affecting our health. By Anne Underwood

2008-Are Lipstick Chemicals Changing Your Cup Size?

2008-FDA Regulations on Estrogen, Progesterone, 2008

     2008-Both Sodium Laureth Sulfate and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate are Irritants

2007 and Prior Years

            2007-Feature Article: Microwave Cooking from Mark Brainer, DDS

         2007-Toddling Toward Toxicity: What Consumer Products Slather on Our Kids

           2007-What are the side effects of progesterone (Progest-Prometrium?

           2007- Excess body fat linked to cancer MSNBC Report

2007 -International Agency Plans to Call Night Work a Probable Carcinogen 

2007 -The link between environmental toxicant exposure and endometriosis. Anger DL, Foster WG

2007-Urine testing confirms Autism is mercury poisoning By Kate Adams

2007-High Number of Endometriosis Cases Linked to Environment Toxins 2007 Utah

2007-Victory on Avastin 2007 Breast Cancer Action

2007- Pharmaceutical Companies Create Counterfeit Hormones, Dr. John Lee

2007-Asthma and Essential Oils

2007-Consumer Reports on Toxins in Cosmetics

2007-Mercury in Mascara, some states ban it

2007. Making daily Healthy Choices for a Healthy Life


2007-Routine Mammograms - Should We or Shouldn't We? ARE MAMMOGRAMS WORTH IT? By John R. Lee, M.D

2007-Mercola, Danger, What in the World are you putting on your kin? 2007

2007-Industrial chemicals in  our bodies-By Jordana Miller CNN-

2007-Cancer Causing Chemicals in Baths and Shampoos from Breast Cancer Fund Cancer-causing Chemical Found in Children's Bath Products Women’s Shampoos and Body Wash also Contaminated

2007-Bubble Bursts on FDA Oversight of Kids' Bath Products,Campaign for Safe Cosmetics

2007-Follow the Funding Message from the Breast Cancer Fund

2007-Autism: It's Not Just in the Head, March,

2007-Scientists expose body toxin risk from daily used products- by Douglas Fischer,

2007-Potentially toxic cosmetics have Some People worried, Abigail Leichman

2007-25,000 Chemicals in People EWG reports

2007-Propostion 65 Harmful Chemical Laws- CA-October 2007

2007-Lead In Lipsticks,Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, Oct

2007-Skin Care Cosmetic Chemical Dangers -Judith Tovey, 1st Holistic.com

2007-Tamoxifen Dangers  by Shane Ellison, October, 2007

2007-Is your make-up killing you? By Natasha Courtnay-Smith in the UK

2007- What's In your Beauty Products? by Judy Ketteler

2007-Fluoridated Water, EWG.org

2007-Breast Cancer and Your Environment by Francesca Lyman

2007- Toxic Beauty Cancer causing chemicals are hiding in your hand lotion by Maria Trombetta

2007-The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products By Vanja Petrovic

2007-Extra Chemicals in Your Cosmetics by Heather Van Nest

2007-Philip Day- Eat Raw Food Everyday

2007-Older Women Should Avoid Hormone Therapy Study Suggest Women In Their Sixties at Risk for Heart Disease By JULIE STEENHUYSEN

2007- Hand Sanitizer Dangers

2007-Novel Approach to Reducing Skin Cancer Risk-Australia


2007 Gym Training for Seniors, Physical Exercising Whole Food Farmacy

2007- Common chemicals pose danger for fetuses, scientists warn- Marla Con e Exposure to toxic materials in the womb can cause health problems later in life, an international panel declares. Marla Cone

2007-WEBMD -Breast-cancer/features/common-chemicals-breast-cancer

2007-FDA Warning: DEG-Contaminated Glycerin Remains Potential Health Hazard,

2007-Seven dangerous food ingredients

2007-May -More Bad News about OPI Products

2007- Thank OPI For Cleaning up A Little, but they Still need tp remove More Chemicals

2007-May- Pesticides may be making kids sick at school,

2007-Autism: It's Not Just in the Head, March,

2007-Scientists Cure Cancer, but No One Takes Notice

2007-Unwanted Exposures:In New York, Who's in Charge of Protecting Children from Environmental Hazards?

2007-Bubble Bursts on FDA Oversight of Kids' Bath Products, April,

2007-National Children's Study Funded and Recruiting on Cancer starting before Birth

2007-Campaign for Safe cosmetics-Moms Deserve Safe Products without Harmful Chemicals

2007- LA Times, Common chemicals Linked to Breast Cancer

2007- What dangers can perfumes and other fragrances pose to your health 2007!

2007-Bill Sardi Dropping "D" Bomb on Cancer,

2007-Is Mineral Makeup Safer, Depends what else is in them from ask EWG

2007-Heartache and Health Risks at the Beauty Counter, Campaign for Safe Cosmetics

2007-Potentially toxic cosmetics have Some People worried, Abigail Leichman, March, 2007

2007-Scientists expose body toxin risk from daily used products- by Douglas Fischer,

2007-Consumer Reports on Toxins in Cosmetics

2007 -Carcinogens in Bath Products

2007-Fluoride and how toxic it really is

2007-Chocolate & Chocolate Liquor - Adulteration with Insect and Rodent Filth

2007-Public Health Linked to Chemical Industry, Marla Cone

2007-Loreal Toxic Chemicals, Write to Them

2007-Ban Toxic Chemicals from Baby Products, Democracy in Action.org

2007-Opi Nail Toxic Polish, taking chemicals out, but not all!

2007-Testing finds traces of carcinogens in bath products

2007-Some children's bath products hazardous, Dallas, Texas

2007-Washington State mulls cosmetic safety law; Bill based on California measure

2007-Cancer Causing Chemicals in Baths and Shampoos from Breast Cancer Fund

2007-Feb-Flower Valentines with Toxic Chemicals

2007-Consumer Reports on Toxins in Cosmetics

2007-10 Most Unwanted Ingredients in Personal Care and Beauty Products

2007-Consumer Reports, Take a Whiff of This Fragrance Article

Campaign for Safe Cosmetics-NYTIMES.pdf

Campaign for Safe Cosmetics-Cosmetic Chemicals-150.pdf

Campaign for Safe Cosmetics -Perfume Dangers- Calvin Klein.pdf

Campaign  for Safe Cosmetics-Products for Men and Women.pdf

Campaign for Safe Cosmetics- Safe Lips.pdf


2006 Green Products Alliance Product Labeling Organic?

2006-Coming Clean on Cosmetic Labels

2006-Bombshell Drops on Cholesterol Drugs

2006-UK-Health Fears lead schools to dismantle wireless networks

2006-California injecting infants with mercury laced vaccines

2006-Scented Strips to be Removed from Bus Stations

2006-Kids and Environmental Chemicals Damaging their Bodies and Brains

2006-Teen Body Burden Study


2006 Cosmetic Companies and Cancer -Think Before you Pink

2006-Tell FDA to get Rid of Harmful Nano Chemicals in Cosmetics

2006-PEG Compounds in Cosmetics

2006-Impact of Fragrance

2006 Monopolizing Seeds that Feed the World by Devvy Kidd

2006 Vacination Dangers

2006 Michigan State Researchers about Toxic Mold

2006 Gov Signs Bill for Biomonitoring Chemicals in People

2006 Dangers of Bisphenol

2006- Autism and Chemicals in Children

2006-Study Finds Silver Fillings Not Harmful, Do you Believe it?

2006-Butter or Margerine?

2006-Alert Tin and Plastic Bottles Pose Health Risk Cancer

2006 Fluoride Dangers

2006 More Fluoride Dangers

2006-Breast Cancer Action against Body Shop chemicals

2006-Bayer and Hidden Knowledge about their  Dangerous Chemicals

2006-Coke and Pepsi Ban in India

2006- Hirzy Fluoride Professional Ethics and Honesty

2006-Autism could affect twice as many children as previously believed

2006-Please Take Action- PVC phased out at Wal  Mart

2006-Progesterone Cream and Prop 65 CA

2006-Rebuttal on Safety of Progesterone Cream

 2006-from Six Wise.com-  180 Diseases from Chemicals in Products

 2006- -PEG Compounds in Cosmetics

 2006-Side Effects the Movie.com (about the pharmaceutical industry)

2006- Dr. Samuel Epstein's Newest Book-What's In your Milk?

2006- The "Look Good Feel Good Program", Dr. Samuel S. Epstein

2006- May- Dangerous Levels of Lead in Lipsticks

2006-From Healthy Living-Toxic Cocoamide DEA, TEA, Mea found in products

2006-Organic News, Genetically Modified Food Dangers

2006-Sunscreens- Gov Info: Benzophenone, Octyl methoxycinnate-

2006-Benzene in your Soda from FDA

2006-Tricolsan toxins in Toothpastes and Other Consumer Products

2006- Breast Cancer Action-Tell Opi Nail polish to take out harmful chemicals

2006-Cocoamide DEA, TEA, MEA -Toxic Chemicals

2006-More Chemicals forming in Consumer Products

2006-10 Most Unwanted Ingredients in Personal Care and Beauty Products

2006-Organic News, Genetically Modified Food Dangers

2006 -Autism and Chemicals in Children

2006 -Second Hand Smoke Info from Breast Cancer Fund

2006 -Environmental Toxins cause Breast Cancer

2006- Poisoning our Children with Vaccines

2006- March-Americans Absorbing Chemicals from Cosmetics- Erin McClam Associated Press Writer

2006-March -Going "Fragrance Free" in Massachusetts Article-

2006-March- Butter or Margerine Interesting Article

2006- The Ugly Side of Pretty - Rebecca Ephraim,R.D.,C.C.N.

2006- Are Toxic MILITARY Substances- Deadly Chemtrails in our Skies

2006- Feb-Neurotoxins and children-Environmental Health Perspective

2006-Jan-New Car Fumes Toxic Press Release -Environmental Health Network

2006- Jan- Beauty to Die For -News Target-by Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D

2006- Aspartame Dangers noted again-take it off the market!

2006- March-Toxic Mold Affects Learning Abilities-Environmental Health Perspectives

2006-Feb- Environment California New Bill to Ban Toxic Chemicals

2006- Common Synthetic Fragrances and Illness harm wildlife and humans-NIH

2006- Ugly Side of Fragrances-Childrens Health Environmental Coalition-Lundquist

2006-Feb-Article about the Impact of Fragrances on the Skin

2005- University of Mass, Lowell Report on Toxins in Products

2005- April- Perfume Dangers

2005 - June-Canada article about carcinogenic Fragrances

Important: 1997- Senator Edward M. Kennedy's Statement to Congress - the information on harmful chemicals in our daily personal care and beauty products

2005-European Parliament OKs Rules on Chemical Safety in consumer products

2005 -University of Mass Lowell Report on Toxins in Products

2005 -Doctors Harbouring Bugs

2005- Horray- California Governor Signs Bill- A Victory for our beauty products and personal care products industry: CA Governor Signs Bill SB 484 that requires cosmetic makers who send products to CA to list and inform the state of any toxic product ingredients in their products. The author of SB 484, Senator Carole Migden (D-San Francisco), applauded Governor Schwarzenegger’s action: “This is the strongest bill in the nation to protect cosmetics consumers. It will go a long way to protect public health.

2005- Untested Cosmetics May Soon Carry Warning Labels The Miami Herald

2005-October- Think Before You Pink -read about the cover-ups and lack of regulations on cosmetic products

2005- October- Chemicals and Sensitivities Article

2005- FDA to require labeling of Toxic Ingredients in Personal Care and Beauty Products

2005-LA Times Article-Lopez-Chemicals in Products


Important,-2004- Toxic Toothpastes- Die Young with a Charming Smile! By Ashok T. Jaisinghani

Important-1995-The Hazards of Cosmetics By Carol Barczac AEHA Quarterly Summer

Important- 1996 - They Make you Feel Better, but What's Really In your Cosmetics?

Important- 1996- Estrogen surrogates in sunscreens- Article from New Scientist

Important- 1997- Sweet Poison: What your Nose Can't Tell you About the Dangers of Perfume

2005-Sept- Chemicals in cosmetics Not Pretty- Article from Mercury News

2005- September-Senators acknowledge fluoride as a "carcinogen" read article

2005- Common pesticides use fluoridation chemicals as their main ingredient

2005-October- Many dangerous chemicals in European blood

2005- Better Info on Parabens- okay in products from Australian Department of Health and Aging

2005-Parabens-A Review of the Endocrine Activity of Parabens -Clinical Reviews in Toxicology

2005 -September- Aspartame Dangers

2 005-August- Forwarded by Environmental Media Services Wall Street Journal Mercury and Tuna Dangers

2005-August- Environment California - tell representatives to take toxins out of our bodies and environment

2005 -11th report on Carcinogens from NIEHS.NIH.GOV

2005-September- U-Mass Lowell Report Links Environmental and Occupational Exposures to Cancers

2005- The Consumer Law Page

2005-July- Unborn babies soaked in chemicals -article

2005 -About Sodium Lauryl Sulfate- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF TOXICOLOGY Volume 2

2005- About Propylene Oxide- propylene glycol (oxide) Chemical Background

2005-July- 2005 -Campaign for Safe Cosmetics-Tell Avon to Clean up Their act and get the harmful chemicals out of their products

2 005- June- California Congress Industry latest Cosmetic Safety News

2005-June- USDA to stop certifying "organic"personal care and beauty cosmetics

2005-June- CALL TO ACTION -Get cosmetic companies to take out the toxins

2005-May 16th- LA Times--European Union Rules Forcing U.S. Firms to Clean Up toxic chemicals in cosmetics

Timeless: CBS News Spotlight, 1998

                           For safer alternative  click here ....

2005- Project for Poisoning Water Supply Nationwide with Flouride

2005- Parabens and the latest good news

cancer- James Meikle

Safety Alert Page from the FDA-Cosmetics and Hygiene Recalls Personal Care Products


2005-Inchem.org/documents -Poly vinyl dangers

2005-The Nation:Cover Up of Vinyl Chloride Cancer Risk with workers and beauticians who use hair spray

2005- Online lawyer source.com/vinyl-chloride/side-effects and dangers

2005- wsws.org/articles on dangers of poly vinyl - Book about Poisoning for Profit

2005- Is American Dentistry Killing Us ? by Tim Bolen

2005- May- The Cell Phone Industry - Dangers-Be Aware

2005-April-Friends of the Earth Press Release on Harmful Ingredients in Cosmetics Hidden Information from the Public's Knowledge

2005- April-Campaign for Safe Cosmetics from Breast Cancer Awareness Advocates

2005 - Propylene Oxide Chemical Backgrounder

Important Reminder: Front Cover of Boston Globe- Senator Ed Kennedy goes before Congress about Harmful Ingredients in our daily used products


2005- April- CA - Bill would require cosmetic chemical disclosure

2005 - April- Detroit Article on chemicals in cosmetics

2005- March-Aromatase Inhibitors Trials

2005- Environmental Health-Fragrances Interfere with our Health

2005- Fragrances are Carcinogenic

2005-Epstein, CPC, Baby Products press release

2005-Articl e about Estrogens now known as Carcinogenic

2005- March -FDA Labeling on Cosmetics

2005- Good News about Ozone

2005- CBCbc.ca/consumers/market/files/health/cosmetics

2005 - 5-Cancer Causing Chemicals

2005- European Labeling new laws on personal care products

2005- Dr. John Lee on Fluoride

2005- Dr. Epstein and Cancer Prevention Coalition Seal of Approval

2005- The 5 key demands for a better EU chemicals policy

2005- Are Your Beauty Products Killing You ?

2005- 10th Report on Carcinogens from National Institute of Health

2005-CPC Press Release about Cosmetic Chemicals

2005- Estrogens now known as Carcinogenic article

2005- Depont Hiding Health Risks of Teflon

2005- Fragrances are Carcinogenic article

200 5- Cosmetic Companies agree to take out some chemicals

2005- The 5 key demands for a better EU chemicals policy

2005- FDA Authority on personal care products

2004-National Nutritional Association Re DSHEA

2004- Consumer Watchdog Report: Toxic Chemicals Left Off Many Product Labels -Labeling Loophole Leaves Toxic Chemicals Unlisted

2004- Autism and Toxic Metals

50 Reasons Not to Fluoridate

2004- Flouride Deception - Jeff Green

2004- More Fluoride Disaster News-How Toxic ?

2004 -Toxic Toothpaste ingredients

2004- More Fluoride Disaster News

2004- Are Your Beauty Products Killing You

20 04-Breast Cancer Action.org- Article on Chemicals in Cosmetics

2004- USA Today about Chemicals in Cosmetics

2004- June 9 Environmental News Service about Cosmetics

2004- AB 2025(CHU) Bill to Remove Hazardous Chemical from Cosmetics

2 004- NBC Show on Dangerous Chemicals in Cosmetics

2004- June -Cosmetic Dangers-Monterey, CA

keep reading more info

2004- Dr. Sam Epstein, Spinning the War on Cancer

2004- Info from the National Cancer Institute

2004 -MSG Poisoning Cover-up

2004- San Francisco Chronicle-Cosmetics and Children's Cancer

2005 -September- Mammograms cause breast cancer From the News Target

2004 -Thermography Instead of Mammography

2004- NBC Soap- Toxic chemicals

2004- NBC Show on Dangerous Chemicals in Cosmetics

2004- FDA Regulations on Cosmetics and Personal Care

2004- From Dr.Mercola's Website-Chocolate Lovers Delight

2003-04 Proplyene Glycol Dangers from Medscape

2004-FDA Regulations (no regulations) on Products

2004- Bad News about Nail Polish

2004-More Bad News about Nail Polish- Harmful Chemical to be Taken out says Estee Lauder, Revlon

2004- ProtectingYour Health.org -spreadsheet on environmental toxicants found in our bodies

2004- How Monsanto is Feeding us GMO food

2004 -CA Bill AB 2025 Update on Cosmetics and Carcinogens

2004-Antibiotics and Breast Cancer

2004-Conflicts of Interest- Breast Cancer Action.org

2004-Toxics Seeping into our Bodies-Toxic America-San Francisco Gate

2004 -Winning the War on Cancer, says who? Chicago

2004-W eston On Endrocrine Disruptors in our products

2004- Coke and phosphoric acid dangers

2004-June-Children and additives

Important: Epstein Article Exposing the Dangers from BIO-Genetic food-from Conscious Choice

Sodium lauryl sulfate dangers

Betty Bridges article on dangers of Fragrance

Important: 1983 Important- Research to Prevent Blindness Studies on dangers of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate , page 1

Important: Page 2 with references from Research to Prevent Blindness

Important: 1997 Bleifus Report on Chemicals found in Everyday Personal Care Products On April 10, 1979, FDA commissioner Donald Kennedy called on the cosmetic industry to "take immediate measures to eliminate, to the extent possible, NDELA -diethanolamine, and triethanolamine,( from the coconut plant), potent nitrosamines,cancer precursors

Important: 2003- What the Nose Knows about Perfumes, Francesca Lyman

Important -October 2003-UK-Lipsticks to avoid

Important 2003- Everything may not cause Cause Cancer, but 228 Chemicals Do.

Important: August 31, 2003-LA Times Opinion, "An Ounce of Prevention" by Dr. Sam Epstein, MD

Important: 1st Report on Carcinogens from the GAC of the US Government- Mineral Oil and coal tar

Important: 6th Report on Carcinogens from the GAC of the US Government (propylene oxide-propylene glycol)

Important 9th Report on Carcinogens from the GAC of the US Government , 200 l)(DEA, diethanolamine, TEA, triethanolomine)

Important 1 1th Report on Carcinogens -NTP Edition listing cocoamide DEA, diethanolamine again

Important: Cosmetic Ingredient Review on Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Health Alert , 1983

Important: About the National Toxicology Report on Carcinogens


Important: Press Release November 10, 2002, Steve Tvedten- Chemical Companies problems

Important 1999-Toxicology Peer Reviewed Doctor's Study of common ingredient in soaps, shampoos, cosmetics, DEA, diethanolamine, and its carcinogenic properties

Project Censored.. What the industry doesn't want you to know...

2001-Senator Kennedy's November, Statement on the SEPA Amendment

1997 Senator Ed Kennedy Goes Before Congress, declaring GAC identification of over 125 known carcinogens in our daily personal hygiene and beauty products

Important: 1997-Front Cover Picture and Article from the Boston Globe with Senator Ed Kennedy declaring Government has misled the public about the carcinogens in our daily products...

Important: August 15, 2002, Senator Kennedy is commended by Dr. Epstein for Issues on Cosmetic labeling there are safer alternatives , keep reading the facts.......

Important S eptember-2003 Ethylene Glycol dangers NY Times

Important July-August, 2003-Lois Gibbs New Campaign Urges Caution on Toxic Chemicals in our Environment By Linda Baker

Important July, 2003 Dr. Julian Whitaker's Statement on Nutritional supplement regulations-Tak e Ac from their products, and the FDA has done even less to monitor them

2003- Environmental Working Group -Toxic Bodies Article

Important:2003- Estrogens and Cancer-Health - Reuters

Important: 2001- Beauty at What Price, by Judith Coleman Cohen

Important: 2002-Scandal of scientists

Important 2002, Prevent Blindness Study-Related Eye Injuries from chemicals in products .

Important 2002, Facts from Government National Academy of Science On Carcinogens At Home

2002-Dr. Samuel S. Epstein's Interview on the Industry's Cancer Deception and Epidemic

2002- Bill Moyer's Special on May 10th 2002, about kids and chemicals in the environment -read the transcript: www.pbs.org/now/transcript/transcript117_full.htm

2002- www.pbs.org/Trade Secrets/options/righttoknow.html

2002- April, 2002-Prevent Blindness Article about Chemicals in Products

2002- May, 2002-Kids and chemicals, a Special Report with Bill Moyer

2001- C hemicals in Our Children's Bodies

Doctors' Worry- Is Your Baby Safe? Warning Labels on products?

Children's Pages of Important Health Issues

Children in Harms Way, Physicians for Social Responsibility- Toxic chemicals

September 2003- Children- Skin Cancer Increase- Australia

September 2003-Prevent Child Illness-Massachusetts

2003 - NBC News Release-Toxins Found in Children's Bodies

2002- Dr. Samuel Epstein's Article on Ritalin Dangers

2002- Ritalin Fraud by Waters & Kraus

2004- San Francisco Chronicle-Cosmetics and Children's Cancer

2001 - Eye Opening and Scary! Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association (CTFA) Annual Conference attended November 15, 2001, at the 4 Seasons Hotel, Beverly Hills, CA

2002, US Government is paying for a study at the Cancer Research Center in Hawaii on Hawaiian Noni Juice, beneficial for cancer, aids, illnesses and diseases.

March 26, 2001-Bill Moyer' s PBS TV Presentation 2001-Secrets of the Chemical Industry from Bill Moyer's "Trade Secrets" PBS Show " on the "other tobacco scandal", the personal hygiene and beauty industry's long list of chemicals. Bill Moyer's Response to the Chemical Industry Scrutiny , Dr. Sam Epstein's Response to the Bill Moyer PBS TV show , Article from Houston Texas on the Moyer Show. Moyer's uncovered masses of information about the chemical industries cover ups of the harmful effects of the chemicals workers were and are exposed to and the dangers of the chemicals in the personal care and household products we use everyday.... what he left out was where to get safe products without the harmful chemicals.... and you can find the solutions here

2001- Breast Cancer Awareness- Sherrill Sellman, - Press Release

2001- September: Study finds body absorbs many hazardous everyday chemicals

2002-Mercury Poisoning

2002- A MIRACLE FOR FREE: Water for your health

2002 -The next world war will be over water: Our Water is Running Out

Important: Battelle Healthy Home Forecasts , 2003



Newest Study on Sodium Fluoride and Dangerous Blood Problems , 2001 2001- Food Additive Carrageenan a Potential Cancer Causing problem s

FDA and EPA Warnings and Articles

Oshas Report on Cocoamide DEA, diethanolamine

Research to Prevent Blindness Study about Sodium lauryl sulfate Page 1

See also: Page 2 of the research study with references

Most Irritating Chemical - Sodium lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate Article

Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS) found in toothpaste, soaps..

Konsumer Report on Cancer from Numerous Personal Hygiene and Beauty Products and the Chemicals used in their ingredients


2000- Francesca Lyman , Outgassing of Plastics, Dangerous Fumes!

2000-Consumers Bill of Rights

2000-Carol Lewis-Clearing Up Cosmetic Confusion

2000-Vice President Gore's War on Cancer

Comparison Labels, Products and Material Safety Data Sheets

The Fluoride Information Page

Malathion Dangerous Carcinogen


1996,October 22, Citizens Petition to FDA to Regulate Ingredients used in cosmetics, especially Cocoamide DEA (diethylolamine), TEA, (triethylolamine) and MEA 1996 O'Brien's Validation on Harmful Chemicals in Product

1995, Dirty Dozen, Ralph Nader, Press Release, Washington, DC

Other Ingredients and Information about Chemicals

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