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  Shelley R. Kramer     Contact: 310 457-5176               

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I Encourage You to Check Out the Labels on Your Hair, Skin, Body, Dental and Personal Hygiene Products, beauty cosmetics. Be Sure You Know about the CONTROVERSIAL INGREDIENTS in them.

Over the last 100 years, the rate of cancer in the U.S. has sky-rocketed from 1 out of 800 people diagnosed, to 1 out of 3 today.Are you Wondering WHY?  We have some of the answers.

RALPH NADER; Consumer Advocate, Forwarded from the book "The Safe Shoppers Bible" written by Samuel Epstein, MD and David Steinman, MD:

"Consumers receive little guidance from product manufacturers, whose advertising and labeling are too often misleading and not objective sources of information. Government also offer little guidance. Indeed, while many local, state, and federal government agencies are entrusted with protection of the public health, most have failed to assure consumers that they are being adequately protected, or that they are being provided with full, if any, label disclosure of Carcinogenic (cancer-causing), neurotoxic (causing damage to the nervous system), or teratogenic (birth defect-causing) chemicals in their household products."

The Safe Shoppers Bible goes on to suggest: "Read the labels on your Shampoo, Deodorant, Toothpaste, Moisturizer, Facial Cleanser, Shaving cream, Bubble-bath & other personal care products. You will most likely find some of the following Harmful-Carcinogenic Ingredients in the products that you are now using!"

This is also known as Methylparaben, Propylparaben, IIsoparaben, Butylparaben. Parabens are a group of chemicals widely used as preservatives in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. They have been linked to possible carcinogenicity, as well as an estrogenic effect from being exposed to the continued use of parabens as preservatives. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in their report "Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment: Agents of Subtle Change?" reported that the parabens—methyl, propyl, butyl and ethyl displayed estrogenic activity in several tests. It is a known medical fact that estrogen stimulates breast cancer and anything absorbed through the skin may be as high as 10 times the concentration of an oral dose. There have been no successful studies to show that repeated and prolonged use of paraben is safe. It is a low-cost synthetic preservative for which many large cosmetic brands have tried to fund study to prove that prolonged usage is safe; all studies failed. Parabens are used in many personal products as a preservative to extend the shelf life of products. These chemicals can be found in face and body moisturizers, body wash, and cleansers


List of  Known Carcinogens from the US. Government Offices

6th Report on Carcinogens from the General Accounting Offices of our government on Propylene Oxide, (propylene glycol is a derivative)

Called a humectant in cosmetics, it is really "industrial anti-freeze" and the major ingredient in brake and hydraulic fluid. Tests show it can be a strong skin irritant. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on Propylene Glycol warn to avoid skin contact as it is systemic and can cause liver abnormalities and kidney damage.

Propylene glycol - What products its in and  and what its used for


First  Report on Carcinogens from the US Government: Coal Tars and Mineral Oil
Comes from crude oil (petroleum) used in industry as metal cutting fluid. May suffocate the skin by forming an oil film. Healthy skin needs to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. This process should not be inhibited. Holding large amounts of moisture in the skin can "flood" the biology, and may result in immature, unhealthy, sensitive skin that dries out easily.

Same properties as Mineral Oil. Industrially it is used as a grease component.

Potentially, SLS is perhaps the most harmful ingredient in personal-care products. SLS is used in testing-labs as the standard skin irritant to compare the healing properties of other ingredients. Industrial uses of SLS include: garage floor cleaners, engine degreasers and car wash soaps. Studies show its danger potential to be great, when used in personal-care products. Research has shown that SLS and SLES may cause potentially carcinogenic nitrates and dioxins to form in the bottles of shampoos and cleansers by reacting with commonly used ingredients found in many products. Large amounts of nitrates may enter the blood system from just one shampooing.

Sodium  Fluoride (MSDS) - used as  Rat poison, do you want it in your toothpaste?

Cocoamide DEA, TEA, MEA, (MSDS), diethanolamine,  triethanolamine, sudsing agents, known carcinogens, seen on CBS News in 1998.

Triethanolamine (TEA)

Clays are used for many industrial uses and industrial grade clays are not necessarily as pure. All clays are different and knowing your clay and its source and how it is handled  is very important. You definitely want a clay that meets Quality Control standards.  As the author of Living Clay nature’s Own Miracle Cure –Calcium Bentonite Clay,  Bentonite Clays are drawing agents. They Detox, Balance, Alkalize and Stimulate blood flow and circulation.   

As to the reference of clay being used to smother out forest fires it would be the same if you throw flour on a skillet fire. You are burying the flames and cutting off oxygen that feeds the fire.  Not the same thing as putting clay as an ingredient in a cosmetic for your skin. 

Basically clay and flour are not inflammable. That’s why it works on fires.  Because of clays strong drawing ability it pulls out impurities and excess sebaceous oils from the skin cleansing the pores. It exfoliates dead skin cells and it pulls blood flow and oxygen to the surface of the skin for revitalization and cellular repair.   

Erroneous information can do a world of harm to a good product. Clays act as a thickening agent in creams and lotions.  They are not absorbed into the skin nor do the push ingredients into the skin.  Bentonite Clay based creams keep the moisture and softness on top of the skin fluffing out minor wrinkles. 

 Setting it right, Perry

GLYCERIN  (synthetic)(MSDS)
Draws moisture from inside the skin, and holds it on the surface for a better "feel". Dries skin from the inside out. Listed on MSDS as hazardous

Titanium Dioxide (MSDS) -now FINALLY declared a carcinogen, 2001

Derived from animal skins and ground-up chicken feet. Both of these ingredients form films that may suffocate and over-moisturize the skin. BAR SOAPS Made from animal fat and lye. May let bacteria feed and grow in it. May corrode & dry the skin.

Many of the hyped ingredients found in most cosmetic brands cannot penetrate the skin because of their high-molecular weight, so they are of little benefit. For example: procollagen, collagen, elastin, cross-linked elastin, and hyaluronic acids...

Other virtually useless ingredients are insoluble oil-based Vitamin A (Retinyl Palmitate), Placental Extracts, and Royal Bee Jelly.

For Safety conscious products




MYTH: The chief ingredient in artificial face lifts. It is being touted as a wrinkle treatment.

FACT: ... These products were temporary wrinkle removers. The formulas contained a bovine serum albumin that, when dried, formed a film over wrinkles thus making wrinkles less obvious (Brumberg).

MYTH: This is a naturally occurring mineral used in facial masks. It differs from true clay, kaolin, in that when mixed with liquid it forms a gel. It can have sharp edges which scratch the skin. Most bentonites can be drying to the skin (Hampton).

FACT: Bentonite is used in formulations and masks. It forms films which are gas impermeable, effectively trapping toxins and CO, in the skin which needs to vent and escape, suffocating the skin by shutting out the vitally needed oxygen.

BIOTIN (Vitamin H)

MYTH: An exotic ingredient promoted as being necessary and beneficial for skin and hair care.

FACT: A deficiency of this vitamin has been associated with greasy scalps and baldness in rats and other experimental animals. Fur-bearing animals, however, have a very different hair growth from human beings. Biotin deficiency in man is extremely rare. Biotin is considered a worthless additive in cosmetic products (Chase). The molecular size of Biotin is too large to penetrate the skin.


MYTH: Some companies imply that collagen can support the skin's own collagen network. Others claim it can be absorbed to moisturize skin.

FACT: The collagen in creams and lotions acts like any protein ingredient in that it merely provides a coating on the skin's surface (Chase). The collagen molecule cannot penetrate your skin because it is much too large to be absorbed by the epidermis (Brumberg).
Collagen, elastin, or other proteins and amino acids cannot get into the skin through topical application. The molecules of these substances are simply too large to penetrate your skin (Novick).
Cosmetics manufacturers have heralded it as a new wonder ingredient, but according to medical experts, it cannot affect the skin's own collagen when applied topically (Winter). It suffocates the skin trapping toxins and keeping out oxygen.

ELASTIN (Not cross-linked Elastin)

MYTH: Another ingredient promoted as being beneficial for skin and hair care.

FACT: Elastin is included in some skin care products, but nowhere near as much as collagen. It too cannot be absorbed by the epidermis (Brumberg). In a cosmetic product, they cannot restore tone to skin. When used in such products as moisturizers, they act like all other commercial proteins – by forming a film that holds moisture (Chase).

GLYCERIN (Material Safety  Data sheet)

MYTH: Promoted as being a beneficial humectant.

FACT: This is a clear, syrupy liquid made by chemically combining water and fat. The water splits the fat into smaller components – glycerol and fatty acids. It improves the spreading qualities of creams and lotions and prevents them from losing water through evaporation. Glycerin, however, has a tendency to draw water out of the skin and so can make dry skin dryer (Chase). A solvent, humectant and emollient in many cosmetics, it absorbs moisture from the air and therefore helps keep moisture in creams and other products, even if the consumer leaves the cap off the container (Winter). SEE HUMECTANTS. Unless the humidity of the air is over 65%, glycerin will pull the moisture out of the skin, drying you from the inside out.


MYTH: Ingredients which draw moisture to and aid in moisturizing skin.

FACT: Most moisturizers contain humectants that act as water attractors, they actually pull moisture out of your skin (Valmy). The problem with humectants, including propylene glycol and glycerin is that although they are most effective when you are in areas with high humidity, if you are going to be in an extremely low humidity atmosphere, such as in an airplane or even a dry room, they can actually take moisture from your skin. Here's why: Humectants are on the search for moisture that can be absorbed from the environment. If the environment is so drying that there is no moisture to be had, they will get it from the next best source – your skin. When this happens, the ingredient, which is supposed to help your skin retain moisture, instead does the opposite (Brumberg). A substance used to preserve the moisture content of materials, especially in hand creams and lotions (Winter). SEE GLYCERIN, PROPYLENE GLYCOL MSDS ABOVE. These are natural or synthetic compounds that are used to prevent water loss and drying of the skin. They also form a smooth feel to cosmetic lotions. Some are safe, some aren't.


MYTH: A product to which you are not allergic.

FACT: Hypoallergenic means "less than" and the word hypoallergenic tells the consumer that the manufacturer believes the product has fewer allergens than other products. There are no federal regulations defining allergens, nor are there any guidelines. So "hypoallergenic" has little meaning (Brumberg).


MYTH: A very beneficial fine natural clay originally from Mt. Kaolin in China, hence the name.

FACT: Quite drying and may be dehydrating to the skin. It also may be contaminated with impurities (Hampton). Used in formulations and masks. Forms films which are gas impermeable. Effectively traps toxins and CO, in the skin which need to vent and escape. Then suffocates the skin by shutting out the vitally needed oxygen.


MYTH: A beneficial moisturizer.

FACT: Advertisers have found that the words "contains Lanolin" help to sell a product and have promoted it as being able to "penetrate the skin better than other oils," although there is little scientific proof of this. Lanolin has been found to be a common skin sensitizer causing allergic contact skin rashes (Winter). Lanolin usually contains pesticides and dioxins, known carcinogens, used on sheep and wool.

LAURAMIDE DEA, Diethylolamine, Triethylolamine (MSDS)
A partly natural, partly synthetic chemical used to build lather and thicken various cosmetic products. Also used in dishwashing detergents for its grease-cutting ability. Can be drying to the hair, cause skin and scalp itching and allergic reactions (Hampton). Has been declared A carcinogen.


MYTH: Nanosphenes or Micellization - Ultimate anti-aging agent.

FACT: Liposomes are one of the newest entries in the "Fountain of Youth" arena. According to one recent theory, cellular aging involves the edification of skin cell membranes. Liposomes, which are tiny bags of fat and thymus gland extract suspended in a gel, are supposed to merge with your aging skin cells, revive them and add moisture to them. Current scientific understanding does not support the rigidification theory. The cell membranes of young and old persons are alike. As a result, it is likely that liposome-containing moisturizers represent nothing more than another expensive allure (Novick).


MYTH: A beneficial moisturizer.

FACT: An oil manufactured from crude oil. It is a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons separated from petroleum. Dr. T. G. Randolph, an allergist, has found that this and many other cosmetic chemicals cause petrochemical hypersensitivity. The allergic reactions can become quite serious in time leading to arthritis, migraine, hyperkinesis, epilepsy and diabetes. Taken internally, mineral oil binds the fat soluble vitamins A, D and E and carries them unabsorbed out of the body, and although little mineral oil is able to penetrate the skin, this tendency is so dangerous that Adelle Davis in Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit says that she "personally would be afraid to use this oil even in baby oils, cold creams and other cosmetics" (New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1970, p. 46). The fact that mineral oil does not penetrate the skin well makes it inappropriate for use in an absorption base in a skin cream of any kind. In fact, mineral oil-containing cosmetics can produce symptoms similar to dry skin by inhibiting the natural moisturizing factor of your skin. Petrolatum, paraffin or paraffin oil and propylene glycol are other common cosmetic forms of mineral oil. Toxic. Avoid them (Hampton). Has tendency to dissolve the skin's own natural oil and thereby increase dehydration. Mineral oils have been found to be probably the single greatest cause of breakouts in women who use a new product (Chase). Serious carcinogens are commonly found in Mineral Oil.


MYTH: No artificial ingredients. Pure or from nature.

FACT: There is no legal definition for "natural" which is why you see it everywhere. A chemist's definition of organic simply requires that the molecule contain carbon (Hampton). In cosmetic terminology, the term "natural" usually means anything the manufacturer wishes. There are no legal boundaries for the term. There are no guidelines surrounding what can or cannot be inside a "natural" product. Most cosmetics called "natural" still contain preservatives, coloring agents and all the other things you can think of that sound very unnatural (Begoun).

pH stands for the power of the hydrogen atom. Skin and hair do not have a pH. A scale from 0 to 14 is used to measure acidity and alkalinity of solutions. pH 7.0 is neutral. Acidity increases as the pH number decreases and alkalinity increases as the pH number increases. Usually the pH of a cosmetic will not change the natural pH of the hair or skin because the hair and skin contain keratin, fatty acids and other substances that adjust the pH levels with which they come into contact. As long as a pH is not unusually high or low there is no problem – pH wise – with a cosmetic. Naturally the high pH of cold wave solutions and hair straighteners can damage the hair and skin, but even this is rare providing a proper conditioner or moisturizer is used after such pH alterations. There is no such thing as a "pH balanced" product because a product's pH will drift during shelf life and alter when applied to the hair and skin. A product's pH is not a danger to the body, but the synthetic chemicals used in cosmetics – often to alter the pH to please the ones who fall for the "pH balanced" story – are (Hampton).


MYTH: Promoted for reiuvenating and nourishing aging skin.

FACT: Placental extracts are another big hype. In moisturizers, these ingredients allegedly supplement the vitamin and hormone content. The manufacturers of these products take advantage of the belief that since the placenta nourishes the developing embryo, an extract of it can nourish and rejuvenate aging skin. Placental extracts can do no such thing (Novick). The value of a cosmetic depends on its active ingredients and with cosmetics containing "placental extract" it is impossible to tell what you are getting (Chase). Temporary means temporary, but it's still nice, every now and then, to be able to get a smoother look. Some ingredients include sodium silicate, bovine serum albumin and human placental protein (Bromberg). Worst yet many may come from aborted fetuses or might not be properly sanitized.


MYTH: Being promoted as being a beneficial humectant.

FACT: It is the most common moisture-carrying vehicle, other than water, in cosmetics. It has better permeation through the skin than glycerin and is less expensive, although it has been linked to more sensitivity reactions. Its use is being reduced and it is being replaced by safer glycols (Winter). A moisturizer that has been shown to provoke acne eruptions (Chase). See HUMECTANTS.


MYTH: Promoted to nourish and moisturize the skin.

FACT: This substance is found in beehives. It is secreted from the digestive tubes of worker bees. The male bees and the workers eat royal jelly for only a few days after they are born, but the queen bee eats royal jelly all of her life. Because royal jelly is associated with the health and long life of the queen bee, it was believed that this substance could have some age-retarding properties. It does not. There has been extensive research done on the value of royal jelly and the scientific consensus is that it is worthless for humans. Anyone who claims that it has special powers is a fraud (Chase). Eggs, milk, honey and royal bee jelly are other favorites of some moisturizer manufacturers. Without question, eggs are nourishing for the embryo, milk nourishing and life-sustaining for infants, and honey and royal bee jelly nectar for bees. When applied to the skin, however, they do little for you, although they may give a moisturizer a smoother consistency or a lush look (Novick). Highly touted as a magical ingredient in cosmetics to restore one's skin to youthfulness. If stored for over 2 weeks, royal jelly loses its capacity to develop queen bees. Even when fresh, there is no proven value in a cosmetic preparation (Winter).


MYTH: Promoted to nourish and moisturize the skin.

FACT: This plant has gelatinous properties. It is the major ingredient of the thin, clear masks that peel off in one piece. These masks allow the skin to build up a supply of water. Seaweed is also used in face creams and lotions where it gives body and substance to the products, not to the skin (Chase).

(Salt - NaCI) Used to increase the viscosity in some cosmetics. Can cause eye and skin irritation if used in too high concentrations (Hampton). Its usually used to make a cheap, watery consistency product look thick and rich instead.

Chemical name: Sodium Lauryl "ether" Sulfate An ether chain is added to SLS. Called a premium agent in cleansers and shampoos. In reality it is very inexpensive but thickens when salt is added in the formula and produces high levels of foam to give the concentrated illusion it is thick, rich and expensive. Used as a wetting agent in the textile industry. Irritating to scalp and may cause hair loss (Wright). SEE SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE.

No one making any claims about this one – and for good reason. We examined an anionic detergent, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, which is commonly found in soaps and shampoos, that showed penetration into the eyes, as well as systemic tissues (brain, heart, liver, etc.). SLS also showed long-term retention in tissues. In soaps and shampoos, there is an immediate concern relating to the penetration of these chemicals into the eyes and other tissues. This is especially important in infants, where considerable growth is occurring, because a much greater uptake occurs by tissues of younger eyes and SLS changes the amounts of some proteins in cells from eye tissues. Tissues of young eyes may be more susceptible to alternation by SLS (Green). Forms nitrates, a possible carcinogen when used in shampoos and cleansers containing nitrogen-based ingredients. These nitrates can enter the blood stream in large numbers from shampooing, bubble baths, bath and shower gels and facial cleansers. These synthetic substances are used in shampoos for their detergent and foam-building abilities. They can cause eye irritations, skin rashes, hair loss, scalp scurf similar to dandruff and allergic reactions. They are frequently disguised in pseudo-natural cosmetics with the parenthetic explanation "comes from coconut." Let's save the coconut from defamation of character and NOT use products with sodium lauryl sulfate, etc.! (Hampton) Dr. David H. Fine, the chemist who uncovered NDELA contamination in cosmetics, estimates that a person would be applying 50 to 100 micrograms of nitrosamine to the skin each time he or she used a nitrosamine-contaminated cosmetic. By comparison, a person consuming sodium nitrite-preserved bacon is exposed to less than 1 microgram of nitrosamine (Hampton).


MYTH: An amino acid which can help you attain a deep. dark tan.

FACT: Some tanning accelerator lotions do contain Tyrosine. You can be sure they'll advertise it if they do – an amino acid that's essential to melanization (darkening) of the skin. But, melanization is an internal process and spreading lotion on the skin's surface does nothing to fuel it. Similar logic would have us trying to rub food through our pores to satisfy hunger (Matarasso). Manufacturer's claims for the efficacy of tan accelerators remain unproven; a recent, independent study of these products failed to demonstrate any augmentation of tanning. Indeed it is doubtful that sufficient amounts of tyrosine can penetrate to the level of the skin where it could enhance melanin production (Novick).

AHA's ( FDA Website - Alpha Hydroxy Acids, i.e.: Glycolic, Lactic and others)

MYTH: Exfoliates the skin to remove wrinkles and expose young skin.

FACT: Removing the outer layer of the skin exposes the young skin to the harsh aging and damaging environmental agents. Use of AHA's could make you age much faster. You could look better today but may not be such a pretty sight in 10 years. Your outer layer of skin is your first and most important line of defense. Everything should be done to make it healthy and keep it – NOT LOSE IT. The FDA reported their deep concern with exfoliating the stratum corneum and the aging and health risks associated with this potentially dangerous procedure. (May 1994) See the FDAWebsite FDA-CFSAN FDA Consumer- Alpha Hydroxy Acids for Skin Care- Smooth Sailing or Rough Seas? 

Begoin, Paula Blue Eyeshadow Should Still Be Legal, Beginning Press, 1988
Brumberg, Elaine Take Care of Your Skin, Harper & Row Publishers, Inc. 1989
Chase, Deborah The New Medically-Based No-Nonsense Beauty Book, Henry Holt and Co., 1989
Friend, Tim "USA Today," 4-10-90
Green, Dr. Keith Detergent Penetration Into Young and Adult Eyes Department of Opthamology, Medical College of GA, Augusta, GA.
Hampton, Aubrey Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients
Organica Press Metarasso, Dr. Seth L. "Faking lt" – Muscle & Fitness, November, 1990
Novick, Dr. Nelson Lee Super Skin, Clarkston, N. Potter, Inc., Publishers, 1988 Valmy,
Christine 8 Vons Ulrich, Elise "Mid-Air Skin Care" – Entrepreneurial Woman, July/August 1990
Winter, Ruth A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients, Crown Publishers, Inc. 1989
Wright, Camille S. Shampoo Report, Images International, Inc., 1989

Magazine Article  1998

Avoid Skin Care Cosmetics: Save Your Money and Save Your Face  BY Linda Miller - Fashion Editor

Save your money and save your face. That's Tom Mower's philosophy on skin care. "If you would use nothing but soap and water on your skin, and put your money in the bank rather than buy cosmetics, you not only would be more youthful looking, you'd be wealthier," he said. "I've never seen a skin care line that, in my opinion, would not make you age faster than if you would not use it," Mower said. That's a bold statement, considering that Mower is a research chemist and president and founder of NEWAYS International', a company that manufactures skin care and personal care products.

"What makes most products undesirable and ineffective is their ingredients, specifically sodium laureth sulfate, propylene glycol and kaolin," "Sodium laureth sulfate or or sodium lauryl sulfate is a common ingredient in shampoos," he said. "It's inexpensive and a small amount gives a high level of foam. In reality," Mower said, "it's an ingredient that can inhibit hair growth, contribute to hair loss and could cause cataracts if it gets into the eyes."

"Propylene glycol, found in most moisturizers, is industrial anti-freeze .Mower said. "Your skin runs on water, not anti-freeze." He said propylene glycol can penetrate into the skin and cause liver abnormalities and kidney damage according to Material Safety Data Sheets.

"Bentonite or kaolin, an ingredient used in many makeup foundations, is the same stuff used to fight fires," he said. "The very foundation you put on ... is suffocating your face." Mower said he doesn't use any of those ingredients in his products. "The skin is a living, breathing organ that should be enhanced rather than inhibited," he said.

Unfortunately, consumers are at the mercy of cosmetic companies. Ingredients may be listed on the package, but who knows what they do? "Even 'natural' and hypoallergenic' are misused terms," Mower said. "Poison ivy is natural. Just because a product is natural doesn't mean it's good," he said. "If you put your faith in cosmetics and skin care and the companies and their products, you're getting what you're paying for – slick advertising and packaging," he said. "Generally, the cap on the bottle of most skin care products costs more than the ingredients that are in the product," he said.

As an example, he cites an $87 bottle of firming cream that contains less than 25 cents worth of ingredients. "So what did you pay for? You paid for that full-page ad, that beautiful box and the beautiful bottle." Mower said cosmetic companies take advantage of consumers who strive to look good, to take care of themselves. "Ironically, they're making their skin age faster and they're paying to do it," he said. "Now that's my opinion." Mower has become a crusader for products with integrity. That's why he established his company four years ago in Salem, Utah. That's why he constantly "researches the research," refines and improves ingredients that are superior and then develops a new product or adds it to an existing product to improve it. "More than $8 billion was spent on researching health and skin care products in the U.S. last year," he said. "Modern testing is proving time and time again that many ingredients used in skin care products aren't good for the body or the skin," he said.


I Encourage You To Look At The Labels On Your Bubble Baths, Shampoos, Moisturizers, Facial Cleansers, Toothpastes, Etc. I Encourage You To Look At The Labels On Your Bubble Baths, Shampoos, Moisturizers, Facial Cleansers, Toothpastes, Etc. You Owe it to Yourself to Know what you are Putting on your Body and those of your loved ones.


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