About CPC

List of our Seminars:

Page Devoted to Cancer  and Prevention

Visit Dr. Epstein's Info Page  






Cancer Prevention Coalition Page

 Shelley R. Kramer, Director of the Los Angeles office of the Cancer Prevention Coalition and Coalition 4 Cancer Prevention.org are proud to be members of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, a non profit, 501c3 organization (website), founded in 1994, by Dr. Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.    Professor at the University of Illinois, Chicago School of Public Health. Author of over 10 books, numerous scientific articles, peer reviewed studies and journal entries, Right to Livelihood Award.  Authored books -Safe Shoppers Bible, Politics of Cancer Revisited, Breast Cancer Prevention Program, Cancer Gate, How to Win the War on Cancer, Unreasonable Risk, How to avoid cancer from personal care and cosmetic products and Cancer Gate, How to Win the War on Cancer, 2005. Visit Dr. Epstein's Information Page   


33rd Annual Cancer Control Society Convention

Dr. Epstein was the Keynote Speaker at this Convention, Sept 3-5, 2005, Sheraton Universal Hotels, CA   If you would like a copy of Dr. Epstein's talk you can order one at www.cancercontrolsociety.com.

The goal of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, a non profit 501c 3 tax deductible organization, is to create safer environments at home, in the community and at  work educating and advocating for the removal of toxins in our environments, homes, offices and daily used personal care and beauty cosmetics.

Since it's inception in July of 1994, this unique organization of independent cancer prevention experts, citizen activists, and environmental and women's health groups has endeavored to reduce escalating cancer rates with seminars, talks, and health awareness events.

Cancer Prevention Coalition members provide  Health awareness Seminars educating the Public on Awareness of avoidable risks of cancer,  and Illness through  Information and Materials provided by CPC and third party sources 

 Cancer Prevention Coalition Printable-Brochure

List of our Seminars:

The Dirty Dozen, Lifestyle, Diet, Nutrition, Stress, Mainstream Industry Personal Care and Beauty Cosmetics, GMO Food, Food Irradiation, Industrial toxicants, Pesticides and Children, Hidden Carcinogens, Women's Health, Men's Health, Children's Health

Join the Cancer Prevention Coalition and Help yourself and your family avoid cancer

   Please Let us know if you are interested in participating in future meetings. Any special talents or health related  business you would like to offer your services for speaking would be appreciated. 

We would love to have you join us with  an Open Mind and a Positive Attitude  

2006 IRS Compliance -Memorial Card for Tax Deductions


This Page Devoted to Cancer, Illness and Preventiom websites

Third Party websites and Resources for Information on Chemicals in products 










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